Thursday, December 22, 2011

Church Dress Codes?

Another question prompted this one: Last night, someone asked about people (she specifically spoke of foreign visitors) coming to church in cut-off shorts, jeans, t-shirts and whatever casual wear they could just throw on. Many of those who answered seemed to be of the opinion that it's not necessary to dress well to attend church because they're there to worship and God doesn't care about the clothes on your back. I grew up attending an old-school, southern, Baptist church where you're expected to wear your "Sunday best" at Sunday morning worship. You can wear whatever you want at Wednesday worship, at Bible study, choir rehearsal, etc. but on Sunday, you show basic respect to God, your Pastor and the congregation by dressing like you mean it. Of course, I noticed when I moved north, the dress codes were a great deal more laxed (every woman over 18 still wears a hat at my old church) but cut-offs? Jeans? Sneakers? It's not ok to wear those things to work so wear them


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