Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Is he attracted to me?

Hi, a while back I saw a medical professional for a consultation. I noticed I was quite attracted to him and am not sure if he felt the same. He shook my hand at the end of the appointment and gave it a very prolonged hard squeeze and learned forward and smiled (he did not do the same shake to my father). Next time I saw him for another appointment, I found it very hard to keep eye contact with him and kept looking down. He gave me a teasing comment about me looking down all the time and not at his face and I went rather red. Later, when I was out by the reception desk, he came out to discuss a few things and noticed he was standing close, leaning the same way I was on the desk whilst (mirroring body language) as he was talking, he had a very slight smile and eye contact and then moved in even closer into my personal space and kept talking. Now normally I would back right away and I kept thinking DAM. After that, he just walked off and never said goodbye...!!


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